What does it mean to whitelist your domain?

All our videos on Vimeo are marked as private and are only available to be embedded on other websites if we have listed your website as one of our customers.

All our videos on Vimeo are marked as private and are only available to be embedded on other websites if we have listed your website as one of our customers. This is called white-listing the domain. So before you start you need to send us the domains that you will be using. Note that it might be more than one, one might be for the learning management system when editing, and another one is intended for your employees when they are taking the courses.  If the domain you are using is not white-listed you will get an error that says something along the lines of "This video is private" or "You are not authorized to view this video".

A few notes on the domains. 

Let's say your employees are viewing their courses on this URL:


The "lms." part is called the subdomain. The "my-domain" part is called the second-level domain and the ".com" is called the top-level domain.

What we need to whitelist is called "domain" and is all these three parts combined.

{subdomain}.{second-level domain}.{top-level domain}

So in our example, we only need "lms.my-domain.com".

Note that Vimeo does not allow for white-listing on all sub-domains at once using wildcards like *.mydomain.com. If you white-list the  second-level domain only ("my-domain.com") then it will only white-list the root subdomain.