How do I create an Employee List?

Learn how to add employees to your SAT programs.

1. Select Employees from the top menu.
2. Click Create List.
3. Name the list. It is best to use a descriptive name as this name is used in the reports.

4. Add employees to the list by:

A. Exporting a .CSV file from your HR system or Excel and drop/upload it to the LMS. The format of the list is one user in each line. You can add email (required), and name (optional).

B. Add employees manually by entering in each email and name.

5. Click Done to see if all users were imported correctly. If there is something wrong with some entries in the list the system will notify you of what is wrong. You then have the option to copy the lines that are incorrectly formatted so you can fix them and try again.



You can find out more about integrating your employee lists with AD sync or Google Suit here.